Message from representatives

About my backbone.

I’m a Ghanaian CEO Of PEACE SEED INSTITUTE and a Philanthropist in a charity work, the Founder and leader of MONPHY & THE YOUTH FOUNDATION (NGO).

I’m married to a Japanese woman with three children. Since I come from a very poor family, I grew up seeking the welfare of pathetic poor but the needy people.
I am on record to have cared and catered for two orphans whose parents died at an early age when I was just 16 years.
I was born in Nkoranza with 3 siblings in the Bono Region of Ghana. I was the second born with a different father whom I never met in person until I was told about his death when I was 7 years old.
My senior brother died at the age of 20 when I was 16 which I attended same high school together. I later quit school because I couldn’t control my tears any time I saw his empty desk including the frustration and pains my mother was going through at home. I became a young farmer and used my farm proceeds to take care of my family and the few needy children in my community.

Donating a soccer ball to a boy.
Donating a soccer ball to a boy.

For the past few years, since 2008, through the generous Japanese people, I have assisted many young people in various ways. I have provided for their educational needs by building schools, paying of school fees, giving financial support to the needy, paying of hospital bills, providing ambulances to some health care centers, giving employment to peoples and funding projects in the various communities like boreholes etc.
When l was in my younger age and with my inherent desires is to seek the welfare of my society so I established a foundation on 28th February, 2008. It became operational two years later because I was busy engaged in other ventures of running other businesses of dealing in second-hand cars, spare parts, tires and bicycles and at the same time working with a company.
As destiny and calling demand, I was not fulfilled with all these working until the foundation started operations. The source of funding for the NGO, acquisition of land in building schools which covers about 180 Acres, etc; were from my own personal savings which were estimated to cost almost ¥5.5 million.

Supporters of the activity.
Supporters of the activity.

My Japanese wife who then gave me an invitation to Japan and with my arrival my perspectives on doing things completely changed.
She showed much interest in what I was doing and she gave me all her support and I also learnt a lot from her and the country in doing things differently.
Among the things I learnt from her two years after living together, was with her determination and how to achieve things. From the country, I saw their nature of roads which prevent unnecessary accidents that leads to death, whereas in my country it is not the same, their care and willing attitude to give to help the poor are something worth emulating. Looking at the nature of their schools and hospitals and how they are equipped and operated inspired and encouraged me to do something good for my people and are the reasons Our foundation have lived up to expectations.
I have sponsored many people to be professionals in medical health, teachers, etc


I had help from many people when I was a child.
I had come from a very poor home with no fatherly care as a growing child. My mother, single and poor farmer went to farm almost everyday to make sure we had something to eat.
Unlike the lucky children of wealthy parents, I had to trek to a long distant farm to help my mother on the farm and to fetch firewood and foodstuff back home right after school. That was my daily routine.
There was a cemetery along the way to the farm. A place I feared most to walk alone. One day as I walked to the farm there was virtually nobody on the road. Fear griped me, totally frightened as I walked past the cemetery. I often walked in the middle of the road out of fear and to avoid any snake bite. Soon a I saw a tractor approaching from behind. Perhaps the driver could observe how I shivered in fear. He stopped and came to me.
“Small boy, who are you? Where are you from and where are you going?”
I answered accordingly, after which he showed me an inscription behind the tractor. It literally read as:
"Everyone needs help, rich or poor".
Maybe he was a guardian angel. We met my mum on the way and the driver advised her not to leave me alone on an empty road as it had always been.
He accompanied me to the farm, helped me with load and advised me to assist others whenever possible.
I kept his word of advice with me as I grew up.
After 38 years, I went back looking for the man to render my gratitude to him. Happily I met him but he could not remember what he had done some time past.
However, it was a delightful moment. He was happy to see me again and was proud of my philanthropic activities.

Thank you...
Thank you...

I am not boasting of what I'm doing for my people, it is not just a show off of wealth, neither is it that I have money in abundance but I feel that I have to give back what society invested in me.

Let us cultivate the habit of giving. There is indeed much blessing in giving.
I am always grateful to you, the donors, supporters and every stakeholder of Monphy and the Youth foundation.